Source fed bree - Bree Essrig

Fed bree source SourceFed RPF

Fed bree source Bree Essrig

Fed bree source Palm Swings

Fed bree source Bree Essrig

Fed bree source SourceFed RPF

Fed bree source Palm Swings

Bree Essrig

Fed bree source Bree Essrig

Bree Essrig

Fed bree source Bree Essrig

Fed bree source Bree Essrig

SourceFed RPF

Fed bree source SourceFed

SourceFed RPF

On July 3, 2017, NowThis Nerd reverted the channel back to SourceFed Nerd and deleted the content made since the rebranding.

  • They were the first hosts to ever leave SourceFed, something which would occur frequently after their precedent.

  • After the launch of Nerd, Bereta, Morgan, and Newton primarily hosted on the main SourceFed news channel; Hershberger, Turney, and Zaragoza primarily hosted on the Nerd channel.


Feel free to discuss everything that was, is or will be SourceFed.

  • To Whom I May Concern.

  • Bree Essrig tweets about her boyfriend on 5 April 2019 Photo: Little Monster Aura's Twitter When it comes to her boyfriend, it is only known that he is bisexual; not even his identity is revealed.