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6 Famous Geniuses You Won't Believe Were Perverts

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Who Had The Biggest Prick In Hollywood?

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Paulette Goddard

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Charlie Chaplin Quotes (Author of My Autobiography)

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Paulette Goddard

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50 Charlie Chaplin Quotes

As it turns out, that's a fairly common problem among artists, statesmen, and spiritual leaders.

  • As for his own morals, they were few indeed - at least when it came to women, whom he treated appallingly.

  • Chaplin's biographer Joyce Milton wrote that Selznick was worried about legal issues by signing Goddard to a contract that might conflict with her pre-existing contracts with the Chaplin studio.

Joan Barry (American actress)

So all I can say is that this story is true, and Harry was a down-to-earth guy who never exaggerated.

  • Another bud was absolutely huge flacid.

  • It's also worth noting that the Storm Troopers don't have German accents — or even upper-crust English accents, as so many Nazis would in later Hollywood films.