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Cam monique desire Former porn

Former porn star describes struggles after leaving adult film industry

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Cam monique desire Former porn

Cam monique desire Former porn

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Former porn star describes struggles after leaving adult film industry

Cam monique desire Former porn

Cam monique desire Former porn

Cam monique desire Former porn

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She now works reluctantly as a cam model, a term for men and women who perform sex acts on live webcams for Internet customers.

  • Even so, she cautions young women against entering the adult film industry because of how society will treat them.

  • But it will never happen.

Former porn star describes struggles after leaving adult film industry

No one wants anything to do with her after they find out about her former life.

  • She brings her hands to her mouth, falling silent as tears fill her eyes.

  • She has a girlfriend, and Bree Olson is not her real name.