By-pass trimmers and poultry shears are stronger and can cut through bone joints more easily than household scissors in my opinion.
Eating rabbits from time to time could be a good source of protein, although due to its low-fat content you can not survive only by eating rabbit meat as sooner or later you will develop protein poisoning.
I wonder if they might be punished? Bunny loaf You may find that your rabbit is more likely to sit and sleep in a loaf position when it gets cold out, instead of sprawling out or flopping on their side.
Now I slip off the rest of the skin from neck to hind legs.
It gives you the option to perfect your experience, customizing everything from the coil count to the coil type to the wicking material to its airflow.
Note: There is always an inherent risk when using any rechargeable batteries at anytime and under any circumstances.